Germen is an excuse to carry out misdeeds involving urban art, daily life, excesses, inspiration and food. Mostly working with analog and digital tools; Germen also finds movement on solid supports such as fabrics and threads through hand embroidery. Drawings in the typical sketchbook, on some occasions, are used as pigments or colors food elements (you have the damn eating and drawing hand!). The coffee drops and the bottoms of the cups have been moments of great revelations to compose figures and rare characters. Many of these processes brought to digital illustration with the help of their IPowers.

As a child he undertook imaginary trips, routines of geographical mobility and typical family trips. Always on the road, He watched those people with a bag on their backs, walking, maybe without a fixed direction. Vagrants, his mother told him; Planetas, he thought, knowing that the word planeta had the same meaning (wandering). Six illustrations made by Germen, of wandering people, circumstances or temporary homes. For the culmination and presentation of the series “Planeta”, a close collaboration is made with Callejero, in which one of its walls becomes the temporary home of six pieces. In addition to being the perfect meeting point with music, food and drinks designed for the occasion.
Planeta * is a series of illustrations made by Germen a couple of years ago and which during the last months worked hand in hand with Callejero Public Dining.
For starters, we had 50 numbered beers. Ventura beer and Primavera beer (Germen edition). prints are available 50 x 50 cm + info
Germen made a residency programe at “Casitas Maraika” as part of “Indocumentados“. He was making field recordings, sketching, photography and embroidery between one month (October / November). And he wrote a statement about his experience (spanish version only).
HOME (less) ? :
1 the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household:
Un hogar es el lugar al que perteneces, mismo donde despiertas, luchas con tus demonios y admiras los amaneceres. En ese mismo sitio, está tu familia (generalmente). Tengo la fortuna de tener muchas familias compuestas por hogares temporales y hermanos. Durante casi un mes vivi en uno de los lugares más privilegiados del mundo y aprendí de cada una de las personas que ahí “viven”. La primera noche tuve miedo, pero comí muchas barras de coco y me hice Va Liente. Al día siguiente me hice amigo de Lia, con sus ojos de diferente color y un amor verdadero por el mar. Así de poco, comienza la confianza, el escuchar, convivir y compartir ( y así hice muchos amigos más ). Creo que puedo decir muchas cosas más, pero creo que sólo daré gracias a la mar por ser mujer y sanarme, sin perder la oportunidad de agradecer también por tener un hogar que se llama Maraika y una familia numerosa de gente trabajadora y amorosa.
Así me despedí de este lugar, con una acción llama “Conquista”, pronto la bandera será izada en el aire.